student updates


new Updates

Once you submit your form for your update page, please be patient as it will be uploaded only as soon as I can. If you notice it not happening, please hassle me by email with a reminder.

If your story is a one or two-liner, the chances are a page will not be made. You can leave comments in the Guestbook or the Forum. These pages are for your story.

Thank you.

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If you are looking for a particular person, try using the search option on the home page.

1960s       1970s       1980s


Amend your Page

To change or update your created page you can click on the button below to access the form.

To amend your story, you can copy it from the web page, amend it as desired and paste it into the "Your Story" box of the form - select the Amend option on the form.


Update your Email Address

This can be done by using the same form as above. Simply type your new email address in the field and tick the "Replace" option on the form.


Remove your Page

If you require your page to be removed from the site, please email Cynthia with your request and your page will be removed immediately with no questions asked.