
RAAF School wasn't all fun and games! Here is evidence that we were in need of checking at times and weren't perfect pupils after all! Hopefully, though we all turned out okay.

It can't have been all bad however - these students don't seem to be suffering too much!

Doug Murray, Greg Lowe and John Furze

Engaged in disciplinary action by way of a sweeping activity.

Punishment Book


Punishment Book Cover The Punishment Book.

The book records details such as students' names (concealed here), nature and date of the offence and the amount of punishment administered. There are four extracts from the book which can be viewed by clicking on the blue buttons below.



Letter of Authorisation

Letter of Authorisation

A letter from the Assistant Principal authorising the use of corporal punishment at the school.



Do you remember RAAF School friend?
Do you remember RAAF School?
And the thwacking and the cracking,
Of the long canes whacking,
Who was turning ghastly yellow,
And the milk that tasted of the silt;
And the cheers and the jeers of the young mutineers,
Who were placed on detention for not paying attention,
And the hammer at the doors and the din?
And the hip! hop! hap!
Of the strap,
Of the teacher,
To the swirl of the twirl,
Of the belt gone clapping,
Smacking and a-strapping,
Belting of the ruler to the gong,
Loud and long;
And the bang, bang, splat of the leather?

Do you remember RAAF School, friend,
Do you remember RAAF School?

By Walter Masler and Peter Williamson
(Form 2, 1965)