1965 Class Photos

Grade KM
(Courtesy Peter Herriott)

Grade KM

Back: 3rd from Left: Peter Herriott


Grade KW(Courtesy Owen Gardner)

Grade KW
Teacher: Miss Smith

Back: From far right: Martin Grayson, Brendon Collits
Centre Back: Owen Gardner

Grade 1G
(Courtesy Fiona Ninnes)

Grade 1G

Teacher: Miss George

Front: 2nd from left: Fiona Macintosh. 6th from left: Kerry Hollis. Far right: Tricia Cook


Grade 1L(Courtesy Tony Bristow-Stagg)

Grade 1L

Teacher: ??

Middle Row, Centre: Tony Bristow-Stagg (7th fm left/right)

Grade 2H
(Courtesy Maxine Bill Park)

Grade 2H

Teacher: Miss Hudson

Back: Left: Neville, 3rd from left: John Clifford
Middle: 4th from left: Jamie, 7th from left: Bill Park
Front: 2nd from left: Judith Sutherland, 4th from left: Catherine Box, far right: Jan Davis

Grade 2T
(Courtesy Matt Shields)

Grade 2T

Teacher: Miss Treloar

Front: Far right: Vikki Grayson. Holding the board: Jane Matthey

Grade 3C
(Courtesy Veronica Belcher)

Grade 3C

Grade 4H
(Courtesy Russell Kelly)

Grade 4H
Teacher: Mrs Hurley

Back LtoR: Fm 5th right: John Hunt, David Hollis, Russell Kelly
Middle: 8th from left: Stephen Harris
Front: 1st from left: Karen Grayson
Back Row: 5th in from right, or 9th in from left


Grade 4T
(Courtesty Clive Dutton)


Grade 4T

Front: 5th from left: Deborah Ginman


Grade 5B
(Courtesy Brad Payne)

Grade 5B
Teacher: Mrs Bruhl

Back: frm 2nd left: Keith Baker, Ken Kitchenside, 7th from left: Peter Davis
Far right: Peter Barrett, 2nd right, Chris Frost
Middle: 2nd left: Jillian Mill, 5th left: Chris Howitt, 7th left: Noel Sutherland, 5th right: Brad Payne
Front: fm 4th left: Dianne Hollis, 3rd Christine Grayson.
Far right: Meryl Tankard
5th right: Jane Nicholson
6th right: Lynn Pickworth
Centre (with sign) Kym McCrea

Complete list - In no particular order:

Lynn Pickworth
Lloyd Mott
Keith Baker
Ken Kitchenside
Michael Mc Gennan
Bill Wallace
Douglas Stewart
Peter Davis
Tim White
Chris Frost
Peter Barrett
Leonie Jones
Gillian Mill
Kerry Smithson
Barry Bunton
Chris Howit
Noel Sutherland
Bradley Payne
Allan Lee
Denise Dutton
Jeoffrey Halsted
Geoffrey Challenger
Richard Bartlett
Donald Mazlin
Kerry Maher
Dianne Pratt
Susan Grover
Robyn Farmer
Christine Grayson
Dianne Hollis
Kim McRae
Jane Nicholson
Debra Atherley
Michele Zingleman
Gail Burford
Julie Blattman

Grade 5-6T
(Courtesy Veronica Belcher)

Grade 5-6T

Teacher: Mr Kevin Tye

Back: 2nd from left: David Harris, 3rd from left: Christopher Matthey
Centre: Far left, Debra Johnston, 6th from left: Michael Fehily, Far right: Annette Hunt
Front: 1st on left: Diana Hardy, 5th from right: Leonnie Crowther

Grade 6R

Grade 6R
Teacher: Mr Rudd

Back: 6th from right: Robert Styling, 3rd from left: Allan Kelly. 4th from left: Andrew Stewart. 2nd from right: Lee Brooker
Middle: 2nd from right: Ian Pearson, 4th from right: Kaye Webb



Form 1A
(Courtesy Rod Angus)

Form 1A
Teacher: Mr Hunt

Back L to R: Fred McArdle, ?, ?, ?, ? , Peter Matthey, Chris Byles
Middle: Don Thwaites, Dennis O'Brien, 2nd from right: Robert Dunhill, Rod Angus
Front: Ken McKillop, Christine Parker, ?, ?, Beverley Frampton (holding board), Lynn Hayes, Beth Larson, ?, ?


Form 1B
(Courtesy Pat Spinks)

Form 1B
Teacher: Mr Mills

Back: 3rd from left: Gary Kitchenside, Far right: Kevin Mezzina
Middle: 2nd fm left: Peter McIntyre, Paul Ford, ?, Robert Pratt, Ted Curtis; Far right: Libby McLean
Front: 2nd fm left: Carol Plenty, ?, Penny Barrett, Penny Cook, Jenny Bond, Elisabeth Farmer, Pat Spinks

Form 2 Form 2
Form 3

Form 3
Teacher: Mrs Rose

Back: L to R: Colin O'Brien, ?, ?, ?, Tom Fehily, Brian Murphy, Tony (or Ian?) Jenkins (son of headmaster)
Middle: ?, Frank O'Brien, Janice Morner. ?, Frances Halsted, ?, ?, Mrs Rose.
Front: ?, Carol Lee, Sonja Cosgrove, Danielle Mead & Maxine Wheaton (both holdilng board), Judith Radford, Heather Cocking, ?.


Teacher: Mr Smeaton

Back: Peter O'Brien,Phillip Koy, Peter Stuart, Arthur Winterton, Geoff Prosser, Richard Bailey, Trevor Box, Len Mezzina
Middle: Pat McLean, Barbara Plenty, Sandra Sullivan, Elizabeth Williamson, Erica Cromack, Anne Gladhill, Inez Soos, Sue Hopkins, GJyl Gocher, Paula Bagnall, Sue Richard, Mr Smeaton
Front: Nardelle Peterson, Suellen Aulich, Christine Smith, Vicki Pearce, Cathy Arnold, Gillian Davies, Kathy Fehily, Cheryl Mason, Karin Cosgrove.