1964 Class Photos

Grade KB

(Courtesy Maxine Deakins)

Grade KB

Front: 4th from left: Jenelle Outhwaite

Grade KD

(Courtesy Peter Herriott)

Grade KD

Back: 3rd from left: Peter Herriott,4th from left: Mark Mosler
Middle: 2nd from right: Diane Whale


Grade 1G

Back: L to R: Michael Kelly, ?, ?, Phil Borton, 3rd from right: Greg Styling

Grade 2H

(Courtesy Russell Kelly)

Grade 2H

Back: L to R: Michael Kelly, ?, ?, Phil Borton, 3rd from right: Greg Styling


Grade 2M

(Courtesy Maxine Deakins)

Grade 2M

Teacher: Miss Martin

Front: Maxine Outhwaite sitting on the ground in plaits next to the boy holding the class details blackboard.


Grade 3B

(Courtesy Russell Kelly)

Grade 3B

Back: L to R: Glen Smorti, Neil Foster, ?, ?, ?, Gregory Eades, Paul Darr, Terry Ryan, ?, ?, Steve McIver.
Middle: ?, Karen Grayson, Jennifer King, ?, ?, ?, Erica Larsen, ?, Alison Hutley, ?, Linda ?, ?, ?,
Front: Centre holding sign: Russell; Left: Marc Pickworth
2nd from right, Steve Borton

Grade 3H

(Courtesy Amanda Orr)

Grade 3H
Teacher: Mrs Hurley

Grade 5-6M

(Courtesty Robert Styling)


Grade 5-6M
Teacher: Mr Mills

Back: L to R: Robert Styling


Grade 5G

(Courtesy Russel Kelly)

Grade 5G
Teacher: Mr Gunn

Back: 3rd from left: Allan Kelly

Middle: 3rd from right: Kaye Webb



Grade 6T

(Courtesy Rod Angus)

Grade 6T

Back: Fm left: Roger Scott, Dennis O'Brien, Arthur Heather, ??, Robert Powell, John Griggs, ??, Chris Byles, Fred McArdle, ??, Paull Ford, far right: Graeme Beresford
Middle: ??, Julie Paton, Natalie Sutton, ?, 5th fm left: Lynn Hayes, ??, Patti Drake, Anne Larsen, Pat Spinks
Front: 4th fm left: Ken McKillop, 6th fm right: Robert Pratt, Vincent O'Brien, Rod Angus, Peter McIntyre, ??


Form 1

(Courtesy Talees Baensch)

Form 1

Form 2

(Courtesy Talees Baensch)

Form 2
Teacher: Mr Hunt

Back: L to R: Mr Hunt, ?, Frank O'Brien, ?, Brian Murphy, Robert Redfern, Tom Fehily, Stephen Dunnill, Robert Scott, Tony Jenkins, Stephen Neilson, Terry Neilson
Front: L to R: Maxine Wheaton, Heather Cocking, Carol Lee, Kathy Foley, Janice Morna (holding board), Beth Larsen, Marlene Martin, Danielle Mead, Sue McKell


Form 3

(Courtesy Richard Bailey)

Form 3