Odette Reitano
1976-1978 Classes 1C, 2O, 3K
1982-1984 Years 7X, 8Y, 9Y

Family in 2006

Update 19/10/06 below

Gosh does this bring back memories.

I remember many things from my time there. From the Dolphins Swimming club.
Playing squash and water polo on the weekends. Going to the football to barrack for the four teams on Saturdays after the movies.

Going to the markets for rotis and peanut pancakes in Bagan Ajam. Riding our bikes to the pool and baking in the sun with baby oil before we knew about the slip, slop, slap message. Learning to sail at the Boatie then having to push the laser back in over the slimy mud or get stung by the jelly fish.

Going on the different excursions around Penang. My mum didn't know if it was for the benefit of the teachers.

Remembering what Mr Morrision was talking about concerning the Cameron Highlands year nine camp. I remember that for the ice sundaes and the way I got sprung by some of the guys as I camne out of the shower.

Going to RRB and helping out with Lana Rowell on weekends.

I remember Mrs Mottershead with her variety of brooches and afternoon activities in maths and being encouraged by Mr Hay in writing. Which I still do to this day.

Anyhow enough memories. I married a Raaf guy in 1990 after dating him for four years. Moved to the Northern Territory for four years and got my Associate Diploma of Education - Early childhood at NTU whilst living in Tindal. Moved to Sydney 1995 had Nikolas in 1996. Moved to Melbourne. Had Daniel in 1998 then had son number 3 in mid December 2000 the moved to Canberra 10 days later.

If anyone remembers me please drop me a line as it will be nice to hear from you.


Well we are now in Newcastle and I attend the University of Newcastle. We welcomed Gabrielle Louise to the brood in January. So it's really hectic now.