Gabrielle McCredden
1979-1981 Years 5, 6, 7

I have some great memories.

I use to swim competively over there and had my photo taken a couple of times with my medals. I represented Penang in Malaysian titles at K.L., I think it was 1980.

I just loved the school and the teachers, uniforms, school sports and all the good friends I made. I have just got in contact with one of them we were in yr 6 together, it was such a buzz to talk to her again after all these years. We are planning on catching up soon so thanks very much for that you made it all possible with this site.

I remember coming back to Australia and HATED IT!! IT took me a good year to settle in. I thought the Aust schools were just horrible, no one understood where I had just come from so there was a bit isolation. It was like we were all family over there, we were all in together whether it was school or sports.

It was a fantastic school and a great place to grow up. I would love to go to Brisbane.I live in Semaphore Adelaide S.A.