Peter Herriott
1964-1965 Classes KD, KM


What a revelation this website has been, congratulations to Cynthia and all those who have contributed to it. This period of my life,1964/65,is a time of my earliest memories,some of which are vague and some that will stay with me forever.We were posted to Butterworth in April of 1963 when my father,Brian Herriott, was transferred to 2 sqdn. Canberra bombers. Like most, we took up residence in Penang and stayed till November of 1965.I was 3 years of age when we sailed on the Arcadia to Penang and have no memory of the trip,but the school I do. At that time it was nestled among forrest,there wasn't a lot of housing around it, as now. I remember the uniforms and some special moments like when an RAAF chopper landed on the playing field,which you had to go up steps to get to.My memories of Penang are more vivid. Kekloksi temple,the reclining Budda,the fenicula railway, Cameron highlands, monny drains,the smell of Durians,every Malay referring to me as John (cause that was the only western name they new),the Taipusan festivals, Chinese Operas,Mukan carts,bloody big ticks on our dog Rob,10 ft.cyclone fences around the house and security grills on the doors and windows,Amahs and gardeners,unbelievable poverty amongst some locals and BIG rain. Because the exchange rate between Malaya(soon to be Malaysia)and Australia at that time was so great and because Dad was paid an overseas allowance,they lived like Kings.In their late twenties at the time I remember many nights at home with our chinese Amah,Yok,while my parents partied hard,the Chinese Swimming Club and the Australian hostel being two of the favoured venues. I remember the hostel being a place where we did so much,socialised,watched theatre type movies,got vaccinated and all other health care including dental, and played in the playground near the sea wall.

I took the oppurtunity in 1993 to return after 30 years and what an amazing feeling it was to retrace my childhood steps.My Mum and Dad are in their late 60's now, enjoying relatively good health and my Sister who was born at Butterworth in 1965 returned with them to Penang also in 1993.For all those Aussies who had the oppurtunity to live in such an exotic location it is great to have wonderful and positive memories,for us 40 odd year olds who went to school there,we have something we are very proud of and are delighted to be able to show our kids through such a fine medium as this website,good luck to you all.