Michelle Harvey
1969-1971 Classes 5S, 6A, Form 1A

Michelle Harvey

Lived: off Jalan Gajah in Tanjong Bungah.
Best Friend
: Erica Clark

Others: Toni Cragg, Janine Speedie, Sheree Sutton.
Involved in Penang Swimming Club.

Memories of Penang
: Penang & Chinese Swimming Clubs, Cold Storage, Campbell St & Eden Restaurant, Joeys Dances. Basketball at the Hostel, movies at the Hostel and Penang Swimming Club. Swimming trips to KL and Bangkok. Chocolate and strawberry milk at school.

to Perth WA end of 1971.Completed High School and three years at Teacher's College. Became a Primary School Teacher. Now married with 3 children living in Mid-West WA.

Spent 3 weeks
in 1981 in Penang with husband. Not been back since.