Cindy Gregory
1972-1974 Class 6A, Form 1, 2
Class 3-6Email:


I was told of this website this afternoon by my brother Graeme. He is married to a lovely lady by the name of Jane, and believe it or not, Jane's first husband was in my Grade 6 class at Penang State school in 1972. How bizarre !!!

I was lucky enough to live in Malaysia for three years with my younger brothers Graeme and Jeffrey, 1972 to 1974. Our sister Amy was born in Penang on that visit in 1974. Mum and Dad arrived in Penang with three children, and left with four.

I remember that three years fondly, as I found out how lucky we were to be an Aussie.
I had my first kiss at the Penang pool (aged 11). Christopher Bassett his name was, and I still remember his bronzed skin and blond, curley hair. My best friend was Caroline Sugars, and after Caroline went 'home', it was Sandra Sutton.

We returned home to Aust in December 74 to Melbourne. We stayed there for 3 years, then moved to Qld...where we all still live.

I am now 42yo, married 21 years to Mark, and have two great sons, Nathan 18 and Jamie 17.

I would love to hear from anyone who remembers me, and share all the memories that Penang offers.