Julie Glazner
Email: jmhutchison@westnet.com.au
My family was in Malaysia from 71/73. My sisters Susan, Kathryn and Bronwyn all attended Raaf School but I had finished school by the time we arrived up there and I attended a local Business School run by an Indian lady who didnt speak English very well and as I didnt speak any Indian languages I didnt learn very much at all !!!!
I had lots of friends from Raaf School though and spent a
lot of time at the "pool". We lived in Bagan Ajam and I have fond
memories of the snake charmer at the park, the balloon man and of course Huat
from the local shop who delivered the shopping for us. (Wish we had that service
here in Collie !!!)The Turners lived behind us and I have many memories of
us all chatting over the back fence and sharing watermelon and pineapple from
the food cart. Cant wait for the reunion in Perth so we can all recall how
much fun we had.