Mick Conlon
1973-1975 2B, 3G-2, 4
Email: mandcconlon@bigpond.com


Arrived at Butterworth mid may 1975 around midnight and greeted by Robert Apps who became a good friend the rest of the time he was there. We moved to Penang and lived right behind the school, used to jump our fence to get there and was still always in trouble off Mr (wait till I flick my hair back after I cane you)White, for being late.
I remember my first ferry trip and my brother Tim looking over the side saying what beautiful water until a dead monkey floated past (why we ever swam and fished in those waters I'll never know). More monkey than I've ever seen in my life there.

My best memories are, Mukan carts, Ice Balls, Jap forts, Scout Rock, socials and sports at the 'Hostie' Hash House harries, (the runs where you used to run off the fat the drink it back on with the beer) Mangasteens, Rambutans, Amas, The Donut man who sold: "donuts, cream horns and dope", rock Pools, riding through and terrorising Kampongs so many friends I couldn't begin to name them, and so many more.

Bad memories -not many- Orang Cidiga (the begger man very sad), durians and powdered milk.

Lived in Butterworth (whoaw still remember the smell of the mud flats) for a year spent most of the time either at the beach( only at high tide) and the swimming pool on the base counting how may hot chip we would get in a serve whilst listening to the -out of date- songs on the juke box.

From Malaysia moved to Sale, left home and lived in various staes and places and have settled in Windsow NSW. Had a motor bike accident in 1980 and went from 2 wheels to 4 wheels. Married in 1988 have adopted 2 children 13 and 15, and fostered other children.

In looking through all the student updates been have the greatest time with the greatest memories.It's funny how all the time that we were there in Malaysia we could wait to get home to Australia yet been in Malaysia was some of our best years.

Look forward to hearing from anyone from the good 'ole days.