Danny Caporn
1977-1979 Classes 5B, 6M
Email: dlcapor@ezweb.com.au


Well what can I say, RSP was an excellent experience and I always will have fond memories of the place. I was in classes 5B in 1978 and 6M in 1979.

The things I remember most were the friendships through the school, swimming, soccer and rugby league that I was involved in (obviously full of youthful exuberance) and the bus ride home from School on the Ferry. Our bus was TNT and yes we were dynamite. Our driver's name was Eewie and used to get all excited when we chanted his name. Oh and I still remember the Penang Hill runs and the sports days (go Hercules).

What am I up to these days? Well of course like a lot in here I am a RAAFie (kind of institutionalised I think), currently in Melbourne, not married, came close once but now enjoying the singley life.

If anyone out there remembers who I am and wants to say hi, drop a line to the above e-mail addy and I will try to answer you ASAP.

This site is a great site and it has reproduced some excellent memories.