Michael Campbell
1958-1960 Year 6, Form 1
Email: mfc6@bigpond.com
- the definition of happy days:youth;school;pool;scouts and friendship.The friends
that I remember at this stage were Ted Maund, Jim Thomson, Brian Hindley,Barry
Cotter, Malcolm McKenzie, "Mouse"; Duncombe,Terry Meredith (Dec.), Brian
Crawley and Jeff McMullen. I also had crushes on Helen Carr, Suzanne
Erickson and Beverley Coles (not necessarily all at the same time), and wished
that I was old enough to have a crush on Lyn Stratford.
If readers know
any of the above, please send my details.
But alas, the girls have missed
out to my lovely spouse of thirty one years - Pattie. We have six children (adults)
and live in the Samford Valley, which is just outside Brisbane.
I have always
had fond memories of the school,think this website is a great idea, and intend
to maintain an interest.
Fond regards