
Who Was There

A list of those who attended the reunion follows.

Adrienne Sarteur (Eaton) 60-63 & 64-66
Al Sinclair 70 - 72
Amanda Moore 73 - 76
Amanda Saggers (Lloyd) 73-75 & 77-80
Bob Apps 73 - 74
Bruce McGowan 72 - 75
Bryan Phillips 76 - 79
Carol Jedrzejewski (Smith) 67 - 69
Claire Farley (McLucas) 69 - 71
Craig Lloyd 73-75 & 77-80
Cynthia Matuschka 68 - 70
Dave Sinclair 70 - 72
Dawn Williams (RAAF Brat Hong Kong) 77-79
Deborah Schmidt (Williams) 71 - 72
Denise Gordon (Speedie) 68 - 70
Diane Iles 62-64 & 70-72
Diane Truss (Smith) 68 - 69
Drew Lloyd 73-75 & 77-80
Elizabeth Cresswell (Sweetman) 61 - 62
Elizabeth Hunter 73 - 76
Elwyn Trowbridge (TEACHER) 76 - 78
Faye Davis (Browning) 73 - 76
Fiona Mezzina (MacKinnon) 71 - 73
Gail McBean (Brown) 73 - 74
Geoff Trowbridge
Glenn Leighton 69 - 71
Graeme Oakely 69 - 71
Helen Naylor (Richards) 69 - 71
Jacqui Baker (Baines) 78 - 82
Jan Apps
Janelle Hauser (Morey) 74 - 76
Janet Baines 78 - 82
Janis Sinclair
Julie Hutchison (Glazner)
Julie O'Donnell (Higginbottom) 70 - 72
Karen Smith 74 - 77
Karl Baker 78 - 82
Kath Cragg
Kath Raines (O'Kane) (TEACHER) 62 - 63
Kaye McGowan
Kel O'Neill 59 - 62
Ken Argent
Kerry Brockett (Cragg) 70 - 72
Kerry Webb (Casey) 77 - 78
Kevin Cragg 68 - 70
Kylie Smith 74 - 77
Lana Murray 69 - 70
Les Baines 78 - 82
Louise Comiskey (Rampant) 75 - 76
Lyn Jolliffe (Garbutt) 72 - 74
Lynn Verdonk (Drummond) 67 - 69
Lynne Miles 60 - 62
Margaret Hunter 73 - 76
Mary Lawford (Keough) 73 - 76
Paddy Hutchinson
Pam Oakley
Phillip McNally
Pip Sinclair
Raelene Miller (Morey) 74 - 76
Renae Verteramo (Baines) 78 - 82
Rhonda Argent (Perry) 69 - 70
Robin Tobler (Card) (TEACHER) 62 - 63
Robyn Moyle (Richards) 69 - 71
Ross White 68 - 69
Russell Cole 78 - 79
Sally Harms
Sally Wiley (Munrowd) 69 - 70
Sandra Tong (Casey) 77 - 78
Shane Browning 73 - 76
Tony Spinner
Tracey Hall (Rampant) 75 - 76
Tracie McNally (Slater) 73-76 & 81-83
Trevor Hope 76 - 78
Trevor Jolliffe
Vanessa Papich (Moore) 73 - 76
Wayde Halvorson 67-69
Wayne Hangan 72-75 77-79
Wendy Busing (Iles) 62-64 & 70-72
Wendy Field (Brown) 73 - 74
Ziggy Zivkovic







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