School Reunion
26 April 2003

Function Centre
Saturday 26th April 2003
There is
something very special about the family of RAAF School students. For
the second time now, at this our second reunion event, I couldn't help
but notice the genuine feeling of friendship and comaraderie shared
by us all. There is a special bond between us which comes from a common
background of having shared the best schooldays of our lives together,
at the best school. Speaking for myself, I was thrilled to be re-acquainted
with everyone - those I knew from my classes and others whom I've met
through the website.

Reunion Organiser
The weekend began with a sausage sizzle/picnic at the Train Shed on
the Newcastle foreshore, close to Nobby's Beach. This was a wonderful
prelude to a fantastic dinner dance to follow later that night. The
barbecue offered an opportunity for us all to meet in an informal, relaxed
atmosphere, in the huge and beautifully restored convict-era train shed.
Many brought along their old photographs for viewing and still more
brought cameras and all brought their memories. Some were even attired
in their school uniforms which naturally led to many jokes relating
to the original vs current sizing being bandied about.
After a delicious
barbecue lunch, several photo sessions and a few hours of intermittent
rain and sunshine, it was time to go and get ready for the dinner.
& Joeys Dance
The evening commenced at 6.30 pm and some good sports came dressed
in their seventies gear - and there was a prize for best outfit. We
were asked to remember the long hair, mini skirts, hipster flares, flower
power and the wet look shirts! Other prizes were awarded for the reunion
helpers and winners of the icebreaker competition. Yours truly was much
honoured with the presentation of a card and a lovely speech by Sam.
The DJ played
great 70s music all night and there was some dancing - I for one however,
found that the evening was over so quickly I didn't get one dance in!
Never mind - we all enjoyed a sumptuous buffet dinner while becoming
re-acquainted with our school friends and sharing our stories and memories
and tracking our life stories to date.
The night
was a complete success in that I believe everyone enjoyed themselves
- including spouses and partners who had a rare opportunity to glimpse
our past. Great music, great food, great company - only problem was
- it was over all too soon!
To round off a perfect weekend of fun and festivities, many attended
a Sunday Worship service at Sam and Jackie's church, the Newcastle Christian
Centre at 85 Tudor St. Hamilton. This way we could continue to be with
our school friends a while longer, whilst celebrating the christian
life with a lively contemporary worship service, a dynamic, relevant
Christian message and extraordinarily beautiful music. School reunion
guests received special hospitality and beverages and snacks were enjoyed
in the guest lounge prior to the service.
View the
Bulletin Board to read
messages from those who attended.
messages: |
photos: |
was there? |