School Reunion News
4-5 May 2002

4th May
This very successful reunion was organised by Dave Neilen with the assistance
of his wife Anne. May I on behalf of everyone, once again extend our special
thanks to Dave and Anne for organising the night, and for all the effort
which obviously went into ensuring its success.
met for dinner at Cafe Cosmo at the Canberra Southern Cross
Club, Woden, at 7.30 pm on Saturday. It was to be a very special night,
memories of which we take with us and will keep always in our hearts.
It was wonderful to see our dear old classmates once again, to swap notes
and to remark upon how each other had or hadn't changed. We enjoyed a
delicious three course dinner, which in all honesty was probably eaten
rather too quickly because, well let's face it - who had time to eat!
After several hours, we moved on to the downstairs bar for a little (ahem...)
more reminiscing.
spouses came to share in the fun too! Among these were Barbara Affleck
(wife of Ian Affleck), Lyndon Johnson (husband of Joanne Drummond),
Sharon Lowe (wife of Greg Lowe), Veronica Drummond (wife of
Michael Drummond) and Dennis Morgan (husband of Kaye Stevens).
was all over too quickly of course, even though the hour had stretched
to near 3.00 am by the time most us left. A few hours sleep had to be
captured before our coffee meeting the next morning! Many photographs
were taken, and I for one had 3 cameras in my bag - two of Milton's and
one of my own.
5th May
After a few hours of scanty sleep, we
surfaced to follow up from the night before over coffee at Parliament
House. Our togetherness and the perfect Canberra weather that morning
somehow managed to capture the essence of the past as we laughed and talked,
posed for more "school photographs" and recounted memories and
experiences. The clock marched on relentlessly, yet time seemed to stand
still as we were caught in the time-warp. No-one wanted to leave even
after several cups of coffee, so it was agreed to extend the day by moving
on to have lunch. Some of us were feeling a little teary throughout on
this last day, and speaking for myself, when it was finally time for last
hugs and goodbyes, I felt as I did when I left Penang in 1970. It was
so final and just seemed wrong. The feeling that it was all over, once
again, left me feeling rather melancholy.
so it ended. Making
promises to keep in touch, we parted to catch flights or find our cars,
wondering if and when we'd ever see each other again. We
each took with us our own impressions and thoughts of the last 24 hours.
It could well be discovered in time that this first reunion will prove
to be the very best of all.
to everyone who made this weekend a remarkably special time. Some of my
photographs are shown below - your contributions are welcome.
of those present: |
Kerry Smith |
Kim Sullivan |
Ray Scovell |
David Neilen |
Rhonda Neilen |
Nolan |
Kaye Stevens |
Ross White |
Kathie Barnes
Barnes |
Amanda Fisher
Sally Fisher |
Alana Murray |
Matuschka |
Milton Matuschka |
*Ian Affleck |
Drummond |
Drummond |
Drummond |
Lowe |
John Ryan |
Gary White |
*Cpl Ian C. Affleck was Education Assistant at
the school in 1968. |

We gathered
for a group photograph after dinner and remained smiling happily
whilst several photographs were taken. Everyone who brought a
camera along on the night would have a copy of this particular
photograph! Thanks to the kind photographers.
L to R: Kaye Stevens, Milton Matuschka, Sally Fisher, Kim
Sullivan, Kerry Smith (in red), Greg Lowe (behind Kerry), Cathy
Drummond, Dave Neilen, Kathie Barnes, Ian Affleck, Joanne Drummond,
Margaret Nolan, Gary White
2nd Front Row: Debbie Barnes, Cynthia, Amanda Fisher, Alana
Murray, Rhonda Neilen
Front: Ross White, John Ryan, Michael Drummond, Ray Scovell

Organiser, Dave Neilen with Greg Lowe

Sullivan, Kerry Smith, Kathie Barnes

Fisher, Amanda Fisher

Cynthia Matuschka, Rhonda Neilen, Amanda Fisher
Front: Sally Fisher, Alana Murray

Ross White |

Milton Matuschka, Kerry Smith, Ray Scovell

Murray, Cynthia Matuschka
Murray and Rhonda Neilen

the Downstairs Bar
Joanne Drummond, Gary White, Milton Matuschka, Alana Murray, Michael

Parliament House Coffee Shop - the morning after.
Ross White, John Ryan, Cynthia Matuschka, Kathie Barnes, Joanne
Front: Debbie Barnes, Dave Neilen, Michael Drummond, Rhonda
Neilen, Kim Sullivan, Margaret Nolan
more photographs!

Background image - Canberra in
autumn |